Top Social Media Consultant in Nigeria helps you to Use The Power Of The Internet and Social Media To Grow Your Business, Consultancy, Church, Ministry and Book Sale
Create Celebrity and Authority Status Become the “Famous Name” in your market
We can Re-package YOU and your business to become a formidable and recognizable brand while helping you to manage your reputation and outreach online.
We will Create A Personalized Social Media Strategy for your Business
We will formulate A Personalized Social Media Strategy for your Business and Ministry
Five key steps we use in developing a social media marketing strategy
1. Discovery - who you are, what you sell, who you sell it to, how you market, who you market to and much more
2. Community Analysis - We conduct a deep dive into the social space, uncovering where target audiences are active, how they are interacting and engaging with each other and brands, what terms they are using, etc. This also includes a complete review of current social media efforts and those of competitors.
3. Goal Setting - objectives are agreed on for social media activities, success metrics, platform to be used and expected result from the different strategies ie Youtube, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn etc
4. Engagement Plan - There are three major areas to think about in the Engagement Plan, including:
Content Strategy, Channel Strategy and Campaign Strategy.
5. Metrics & Measurement Strategy Given that we're trying to achieve a set of goals, we will agree on how we're going to know if and when we've done that
Personalized Social Media Strategy Initial Set up Package
Details of Included Services
Initial Investigation - Website Analysis and Status Report - Keyword Research - Onsite Optimization - Competition Research
Preliminary Work 1. Create 10 Social Media Properties including your Blog Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Channel, Google Page (Social Media Marketing) 2. Intro Video for homepage loaded to your YouTube Channel (Video Marketing) 3. Submission of Website for indexing to 250 Directories (Directories Submissions) 4. 5 promotional videos uploaded to your YouTube Channel and distributed to 30 video networks (Video Marketing) 5. Write and Distribute 3 articles to 200 Directories (Article Marketing) 6. Local listing on Google Local and Google Places (Local Geographical Marketing) 7. Create LinkWheel (To establish Authority&Credibility) 8. 2 Press Releases – (To Build Credibility) 9. Website Search Engine Optimization 10. Report and Update of activities $800 / N144,000 Click here to pay in Naira |
Monthly Growth Package
Details of Included Services
***Please note – We cannot take on MONTHLY PROMOTIONS without
the initial setup service
Directory Submission - 100 Directory Submission Article Marketing - 1 article to 250 directories Video Marketing - 1 video to your YouTube channel distributed to 30 videos networks Bookmarking to build Credibility- 1 press release and blog posts related to your niche Forum Marketing - Postings to Forums related to related to your niche Social Media Marketing - Update your Blog Facebook, Twitter and Google Pages Update Link Wheel Monthly report and Update Guaranteed monthly at least 500 backlinks to your website $150 / N27,000 Click here to pay in Naira We help you attract all the 4 major streams of traffic to your website.
Strategy first – Implementation Second
ü Branding – Matching profile, background, Message, Logo and Images all over the different platforms but specializing on 4 platforms
ü Competition Analysis - Profile, Positioning, Packaging, Promotion, and ranking in niche/market
üFacebook strategy
ü YouTube strategy linked to Google plus
ü Twitter Strategy
ü LinkedIn Strategy – Company pages & pages for principal officers
ü Presence on other Social Media Networks
$800 / N144,000 Click here to pay in Naira
Breakdown of Service / Some of the Work to be done by our Social Media Experts
Linked In Strategy
Ø Create your LinkedIn Profile/ Page Strategy
Ø Build relevant keyword - targeted profile
Ø Set up your Company page
Ø Send out targeted invites to new connections
Ø Connect with your fans and seek recommendations for both profile and products (on Company page)
Ø Build content plan using Social Media dashboard
Ø Set up, join and participate in targeted relevant groups
Ø Search and answer relevant questions to build “Expert” Status
YouTube Strategy
Ø Set up a keyword-targeted YouTube Channel and profile
Ø Subscribe to like-minded YouTube channels
Ø Research hot topics on YouTube (or other forums) in your market
Ø Survey your audience (where possible), identify their burning questions
Ø Create a fully optimized YouTube video with answers to the burning question or challenges in your market
Ø Share Video on social networks
Ø Set up and distribute videos on sharing sites as well as on your own blog
Ø Track video results and trends
Twitter Strategy
Facebook Strategy
$800 / N144,000
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